Sunday, June 21, 2009


Knjiga Družbeno odzivno komuniciranje je po petih mesecih od prve izdaje ponatisnjena. Mene predvsem veselijo dobri odzivi in zanimanje zanjo. V tej knjigi so vnešeni manjši lektorski popravki ter popravki in izboljšave pri prelomu, uporabili smo tudi bolj obstojne platnice. Sedaj jo je spet možno kupiti v vseh večjih knjigarnah ali preko spleta. O.V.


Ana Costa said...

Hi, Dr Oliver Vodeb

I’m a Visual Communication student from Portugal, who as been and exchange student in the Design department of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ljubljana University.

For one of my classes in Portugal I need to develop a short essay about the topic Design and Ethics,and I got your name as a reference while speaking with some professors and classmates from the Akademija.

I know that as communication and design theorist you have developed several theoretical research and practical projects focus mainly on socially responsible communication.

I would like to know if you could help me by giving me your personal opinion about this topic and, if possible, refer some specific example from your professional experience that you think it would perfectly illustrate your opinion about this subject.

There are practices associated with design which each of us considers beyond its ethics boundaries. I’m mostly interested in your opinion/comments about if should a Designer, as a professional, be a mere services provider, amoral, indifferent to social and economic contexts and not ideological concerned, or should a designer put in first plan its personal ethic values and be responsible for what surrounds him.

I know that in your book Druž beno odzivno komuniciranje you probably mention this topic but I think I can not find the book in English that’s why I’m trying to contact directly with you.

I would be very grateful for your answer.

Best regards.

Ps: I didn't have your email adress so this was the only way I find to contact you.

Oliver Vodeb said...

Hi Ana,

you are working on highly important and interesting questions. I suggest we meet in person and discuss things. Than i can give you more advise and direct you towards different sources. The Topic is very complex, so iam looking forward to a discussion.

my email adress is
oliver at

or call me and we can discuss how to meet:

040 432 775
